Use Natural Resources Integrated Services And Solutions For Industry
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Welcome To AD SOlar Tech Solutionns
AD SOLALR TECH SOLUTIONS is based at Madurai, started its renewable energy business in 2020. The complete solar solutions provider at best sales and services of Solar Panels all over Tamilnadu having the best brands. We have extensive research background in “RENEWABLE ENERGY”. We are part of India’s leading , multi-product and diversified engineering conglomerates.
We will be the preferred choice of customers by offering a winning combination of Technology, Quality, Cost and Delivery through innovation and service effectiveness. We are with Professional team and deals all branded Solar Panels, Inverters , Pumps and motors in a turnkey basis, the only place in Madurai, where you could get the complete Solar solutions as per your requirements

Solar energy power- reduces your electricity bill

Go solar – go green
Use Solar power and let the sun brighten your place.

Go Solar, Go LOnger
Renewable Energy for a Sustainable World